
Showing posts from September, 2020

Bi weekly exam 7th sept

Ans 1-  Anatomical diagnosis- Glomerulus of the kidney     Histological? Loss of effacement of foot process of podocytes of basement membrane ? Membranous glomerulonephropathy    Etiological diagnosis- Diabetes,hypertension       Diabetic nephropathy Ans2-  A zotemia -it is defined as increase in Blood urea nitrogen with BUN to creatinine ratio less than 20:1 suggestive of either renal or post renal azotemia The causes for post renal ruled out by radiological imaging. b.   ANAEMIA-erythropoeitin deficiency in CKD,uraemia induced inhibitors of erythropoeisis, shortened erythrocyte survival CKD patients have increased iron losses, estimated at 1–3 g per year in hemodialysis patients, due to chronic bleeding from uremia-associated platelet dysfunction, frequent phlebotomy, and blood trapping in the dialysis apparatus. CKD patients, particularly hemodialysis patients, also have impaired diet...